Bachelor party in Cartagena

We tried to search through all the places for your bachelor´s party. There are plenty of the most fitting ones including Cartagena in North Colombia. Why is this place so special and why should you definitely choose it for your bachelor´s night? Reason number one is location. Maybe Cartagena does not sound very familiar to you, but Caribbean sea does ring the bells. It is beautiful place with amazing fauna and flora. Weather is also very welcoming for visitors.

Cartagena is one of the most beautiful cities in US and is also one of the most visited ones in Colombia. Why so? First of all, it is not very huge city. According to informations we have, there is not more than 220 000 inhabitants.


City was built during era of Roman empire. And that´s also why it has so unique buildings and infrastructure. It kinda reminds some ancient city on the south of Europe. Especially if you live in a huge city, this one has completely different energy. It might seem like it is more quiet, slow.. Living and spending time here is rather relaxing and can make your mind go a bit slower.

It is not only perfect town for tourists, but also for relax and just for enjoying free time. Which is why we chose this city like the perfect one for your bachelor´s party. You can book a beautiful hotel, visit local pubs at night, take a tour around the town and so on. We can ensure that you and your friends will carry unforgettable memories from this Cartagena Colombia bachelor party.


This type of celebrating does not have to be for everyone. We are well aware of the fact, that some people prefer loud parties with a lot of fun, drinking, loud music and wild dancing. For your there is even more opportunities you can use. Such as huge parties in some party cities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles and so on. Party in Cartagena is rather for people that like to have nice time with their friends without unnecessary noise. You and your friends know what is the best way to celebrate your last days of being unmarried.